If it is still not staring, uninstall and delete the folders again and go to the registry ( start+run and type regedit.msc ) and search for the Microsoft Teams entries and delete them and reinstall Microsoft Teams. %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingsAddin

Choose what youre downloading the app for and click on the appropriate button. First of all try Quick Repair, and if it is not helping to fix the issue, you can also try Online Repairģ.Uninstall and remove folders from the locations You could be downloading Teams on Windows 10, Windows 11, or for school or work. Open Teams and wait for it to download required files. Windows 11, Windows 10 (excluding Windows 10 LTSC), Windows 10 on ARM. Navigate to %appdata%/Microsoft/Teams in a File Window. Download Microsoft Teams from Microsofts website. Fully quit Microsoft Teams and ensure it’s not still running in the toolbar at the bottom right of Windows. Probably at least one time you did have issues with microsoft teams not starting up.Sometimes it is an easy fix, and other times it is a pain in the ass.